学费 和 费用 2023-2024

学费 和 fees are a good place to start when considering a school, but they aren't the whole story. Some schools may look less expensive, but lower tuition costs can mean fewer 奖学金, non-renewable 奖学金, or more money upfront. Before choosing a school, we encourage you to look at the complete picture. 查看我们的 奖学金, 研究生的折扣, Educational Allowance, Canadian Exchange Rate Plan,以及我们的 rebates 和 flexible payment plans. 试试我们的 净价计算器 for a more accurate idea of out-of-pocket costs. We are happy to discuss what bet365中文大学 can offer you. 问我们问题!

本科 学期 一年
学费 package (12-16 credits) $16,200.00 * $32,400.00 *
学费 (under 12 credits) $1,350.00 /信用  
学费 (over 16 credits) $1,110.00 /信用  
Residence Hall (double occupancy) $ 2,742.00 * $ 5,484.00 *
$ 2,283.00 * $ 4,566.00 *
Books 和 Supplies (estimate, optional) $     550.00 $ 1,100.00
一般费用 $     655.00 * $ 1,310.00 *
总计 $21,880.00 $43,760.00

* These costs make up total cost.

注意: As stated in the University Bulletin, undergraduate students below the age of 22, living in the residence halls must be on a meal plan. The Declining Balance Meal Plan is an account that can be accessed with your ID card to make purchases at the Dining Center, Gazebo 和 campus vending machines.

  • More complete financial information can be found in the bet365中文大学 Bulletin.
  • Figures quoted here are subject to change without notice.
研究生   学期
学费 (per credit hour) 硕士 $1,267.00
  博士 & EdS $1,471.00
一般费用 研究生 $   530.00
  神学院,博士生 $   530.00
活动费用 神学院 $     20.00
Master of Divinity Registration Fee 秋天 '23  (Flat fee for 10–14 credits) $ 3,623.00
  Per credit for 1–9 credits $    392.00
  Spring '24  (Flat fee for 10–14 credits) $ 3,623.00
  Per credit for 1–9 credits $    392.00
  夏天 '24  (Flat fee for 8–12 credits) $ 3,109.00
  Per credit for 1–7 credits $    392.00
延续的费用 硕士 Project/Thesis  $     295.00
  School of Education Degree Reactivation $     742.00
  神学院 Program Continuation $     893.00
  Prep for 神学院 Comprehensive Exams $     250.00
  Prep for Comprehensive Exams $     150.00
  主人的独奏会 $     150.00
  Leadership Project/Dissertation $  1,471.00
  PT Capstone Project/Program Continuation $     295.00
Physical Therapy 学费 DPT—Entry Level, block $10,100.00*
  DScPT—Postprofessional, per credit $      735.00*†
  DScOT—Postprofessional, per credit $      735.00*†
  tDP—Postprofessional on-campus, block $   7,815.00*
  • More complete financial information can be found in the bet365中文大学 Bulletin.
  • *This figure does not include Professional 费用 or Lab 费用.
  • †This figure is discounted 50% from the regular doctoral tuition fee.
School 和 Program/Course 每学分学费
High School interactive online courses—undergraduate $   155.00
Seize the 夏天—undergraduate $   212.00
Consortium interactive online courses—undergraduate $   450.00
All Self-paced online courses—undergraduate $   450.00
SBA Master of Business Administration $   634.00
SDATS 硕士 courses  $1,267.00
SED Education Leadership Certificate 项目 $   634.00
SED Online 硕士 项目  $1,267.00
SED Online 博士 项目  $1,471.00
SHP Master of Public Health in Nutrition & 健康  $   634.00
注意: 完整的学费 & fees information can be found at School Of 距离 Education.  
Residce大厅 学期 一年
Residence Hall (double occupancy, Lamson, Meier, Damazo) $2,742.00 $5,484.00
Residence Hall (double occupancy, Burman) $1,371.00 $2,742.00
Residence Hall (single occupancy, Lamson, Meier) $3,427.00 $6,854.00
Residence Hall (single occupancy, Burman) $2,742.00 $5,484.00
Residence Hall (single occupancy, Damazo) $4,106.00 $8,212.00
  • Lamson Hall: Women's residence hall is open to undergraduate students under 22 yrs of age.
  • Meier Hall: Men's residence hall is open to undergraduate students under 22 yrs of age.
  • University towers/Damazo Hall/Burman Hall: Open to single men & 女性 22+ yrs of age or enrolled in graduate programs.
University Apartments 每月收费
工作室 $710
一居室 $740-$810
有两个卧室 $800-$870
三居室 $860-$925
四居室 $980
申请费 $320
  • Apartment rental rates effective May 1, 2023–April 30, 2024
  • University apartments are open to men, 女性, 和 families; must be 22+ or enrolled in graduate programs.
保险 23–24 rates (可能会增加)
报道 秋天 春夏装 夏天
学生 $746.00 $1,204.00 $560.00
  • These rates are subject to change each school year. To receive charge by semester, students must notify the Office of 学生保险. 报道 is charged on a semester basis.
  • For more information contact 学生保险 at 269-471-3097, visit the 学生保险 网站.
rm & bet365中文大学学院
If your family accompanies you 和 your children are school age, you may wish to know the tuition costs per year at bet365中文大学学院露丝默多克 Elementary School. The charges are split into ten monthly installments. 它们如下:
  Constituent (PMC Member) Non-Constituent
Kindergarten (half day) $2,660.00 $2,950.00
Kindergarten (full day)–Grade 6  $4,850.00 $5,350.00
7 - 8年级 $5,340.00 $5,870.00
学院 $10,050.00 $10,050.00
  • These tuition fees are for the 23–24 school year.
  • More complete information regarding finances can be found in the bulletin for your school.
  • bet365中文大学学院 原始资料 (可下载的pdf)
  • 露丝默多克 手册 (可下载的pdf)

打印成本表:  本科 研究生 & International 学生 Information Sheet